Computational processes are abstract beings that inhabit computers. As they evolve, processes manipulate other abstract things called data. The evolution of a process is directed by pattern of rules called a program.
Why use Lisp for the book?
The most significant unique feature of Lisp is the fact that Lisp descriptions of processes, called procedures, can themselves be represented and manipulated as Lisp data. The importance of this is that there are powerful program-design techniques that rely on the ability to blur the traditional distinction between "passive" data and "active" processes.
The three mechanisms of combining simple ideas to form more complex ideas in any powerful programming languages:
- primitive expressions
- means of combination
- means of abstraction
Substitution model
Applicative order
Evaluate the operator and operands first and then applies the resulting procedure to the resulting arguments. "Fully expand and then reduce"
Normal order
Don't evaluate the operands until their values are needed, instead, substitute operand expressions for parameters until it obtained an expression involving only primitive operators, and would then perform the evaluation. "Evaluate the arguments and then apply"
Example: Square Roots by Newton's Method
The contrast between function and procedure is a reflection of the general distinction between describing properties of things and describing how to do things, or, as it is sometimes refered to, the distinction between declarative knowledge and imperative knowledge. In mathematics we are usually concerned with declarative (what is) descriptions, whereas in computer science we are usually concerned with imperative (how to) descriptions.
1.3 Define a procedure that takes three numbers as arguments and return the sum of squares of the two larger numbers.
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1.4 Observe that our model of evaluation allows for combinations whose operators are compound expressions. Use this observation to describe the behavior of the following procedure:
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if b is greater than 0, the operator that will apply to a and b is +, or else it will be -, so the a-plus-abs-b will always result in a plus abs of b.
1.5 Answer: the interpreter that uses applicative order evaluation will hang due to the infinite recursive call of 'p', while an interpreter that uses normal order evaluation will get 0.
Note: p is a function, (p) is a call to function p.
1.6 Answer: the interpreter will hang due to the infinite recursive call to sqrt-iter. Since List uses applicative order evaluation, in the definition of new-if, the else-clause will always be evaluated no matter the result of the predicate, thus lead to infinite recursive call to sqrt-iter. That's why if needs to be a special form, the predicate expression is evaluated first, and the result determines whether to evaluate the consequent or the alternative expression.
1.7 Answer: For small values, the absolute tolerance 0.001 is too large, so the results become inaccurate. For example, (sqrt 0.001) gives 0.04124542607499115 on my machine. (ubuntu 12.10 x86_64); And for large values, due to the precision limitation of float-point representation, the guess couldn't be refined to a value that can be represented within the tolerance. In such cases, the program can endlessly alternate between two guesses that are more than 0.001 away from the true square root.
so, instead of using absolute tolerance, we changed to use the relative tolerance of two continuous guess values. This can be demonstrated with the below updated good-enough? procedure:
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The only difference between cbrt and sqrt is the improve procedure.